
Mar 19, 2008

City Paper on Steiner: egos, money and clashing philosopies

In another story about the firing of WYPR's Marc Steiner, The Baltimore City Paper reports that President Anthony Brandon's "answers--and his nonanswers--during an hour of questions on March 13 suggest displeasure with not just Steiner's personality but also his unusual employment contract." Brandon says, "Marc was under contract for $125,000 per year to produce eight hours of programming a week. He was also given the latitude to operate other business ventures at the same time." Since Steiner stepped down as station v.p. in 2005, his paycheck has been written out to a company Steiner founded in 1998, Lasko Round Inc., reports the paper. "They wanted to get rid of me as v.p., so they had to give me the contract I wanted," says Steiner. The story also discusses the relationship between WYPR and Steiner's nonprofit, the Center for Emerging Media. See Current's story on Steiner's firing here

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